Allan Savory's TED talk
In 20 min, Allan gives an incredible explanation of how to reverse the desertifcation.Las Cumbres Ranch
Introducing the Bonsmara cattle that we'll be using in the desert.Cattle Fixing the Micro Water Cycle
Despite a drought with 8 inches of rain in the last year and the last rain over 9 weeks ago, the land is moist.What is Herd Effect
Rodger and Stefan discuss ways to encourage herd effect, the difference between positive stress, vs negative stress, and steel implements vs. herd effect. Why is herd effect important, and why is it effective? Spoiler alert, #hoofshape!Desert To Grassland Powerpoint
How do we turn Desert to Grassland? Here is how we've done it in Australia, Africa and other places in the world.
Interview With Hart Hagan
Trent Loos - Podcast
Rural Route Radio Nov 18, 2022 Grazing animals are key to a healthy future.